Sunday, 15 May 2011


 I am.  One is a number of the start of a cycle, of singularity, initiation, fresh action, originality, progress, ambition, courage, exciting change, new beginnings, planting seeds, the start of an enterprise, having babies, new ventures, inner strength, conviction, decisiveness, confidence, leadership, aggressive energy, independence, and individuality.  In geometry, one corresponds to a single point - the first inkling that something exists.  The Aces of the Minor Arcana each bear the number one and symbolize the seeds or starting points of each of the four suits.  The four Aces are the initiating forces of their corresponding elements (fire, earth, air, water).  The Major Arcana cards corresponding to one are The Magician (I), The Wheel of Fortune (X), and the Sun (XIX).  Astrologically the number one is associated with the sun.

We are.  Two is a number of balance, choice, harmony, moderation, pairs of opposites, duality, polarity, partnership, friendship, relationships, group activities, cultivation, reflection, development, affection, affirmation, patience, quiet waiting, tending the garden, confirming a new direction, cooperation, diplomacy, tact, persuasion, sympathy, devotion and working with others.  In geometry two points determine a line.  The cards number two give direction to the seeds planted by the Aces.  The Major Arcana cards corresponding to the number to are the High Priestess (II), Justice (XI) and Judgement (XX).  Astrologically the number two is usually associated with the moon.

We create.  Out of the partnership of the number two come offspring, births, children, new plans, and creative ventures.  Three is a number of joy, procreation, completion, parenthood,unfolding, recreation, romance, travel, pleasure, happiness, enthusiasm, planning, preparation, optimism, imagination, fun, entertainment, art, talent, creativity, the written or spoken word, benefits and fruits of partnerships, adaptability, and self-expression.  Sometimes three signifies death that makes way for new life.  In geometry three points determine a plane.  Threes extend the direction set by the twos and give a broader perspective. The Major Arcana cards corresponding to three are The Empress (III), The Hanged Man (XII), and the World (XXI).  Astrologically the number three is often associated with Jupiter.

Four is the number of foundations, of the structure of reality.  The four dimensions of the physical world are length, width, breadth and time.  A table has four legs.  A compass has four directions.  Four is a number of manifestation and of laying foundations in the material world.  Four translates the plans of the threes into reality.  Four relates to business, security, construction, property, real estate matters, organization, routine, perseverance, discipline, efficiency, memory, will, effort, energy, challenge, hard work, order, logic, measurement, reason, stability, method, restrictions, limitations, accuracy, systematization, classification, productivity, management, dependability, pragmatism, service and firm foundations.  Four is a number of actualization and solidity as well as of persistence and stubbornness.  Four refers to temporal power, parents and authority figures.  In astrology the fourth harmonic deals with the consequences of our actions and their impact on the material world.  The Major Arcana cards corresponding to four are the Emperor (IV) and Death (XIII). Astrologically the number four is commonly associated with Uranus.

Five challenges and disrupts the well-established solidity of the four.  Five is a number of crisis and of adjustment due to feedback.  Five signifies adaptation, disruption, adventure, challenge, completion, travel, freedom, activity, expanded horizons, new opportunities, resourcefulness, self-promotion, marketing oneself, romance, excitement, risk-taking, breaking out of a rut, deciding on a new direction, variety, progressiveness, versatility, professional advancement, new friendships, socializing, juggling many abilities, and change.  Significant shifts or adjustments in family, home or career are often heralded by the number five.  Creative solutions can emerge out of periods of instability and wonder where you are going with your life.  In astrology the fifth harmonic relates for the search for order and form to bring order out of chaos.  The Major Arcana cards corresponding to five are the Hierophant (V) and Temperance (XIV).  Astrologically the number five is usually associated with Mercury.

Six is the number of harmony restored after the disruption of the number five.  Six is the calm after the storm of the fives.  It is the number of peace, calm, contentment, self-acceptance, cooperation, satisfaction, harmony of opposites, regularity, equilibrium and striving for perfection.  Six relates to home, family, duty, close relationships, friendship, love, patience, justice, reconciliation, marriage, domestic responsibilities, remodeling, family obligations, assistance, caring for and attending to the needs of others, and responsibility.  In astrology the sixth harmonic deals with expression of joy, affection and vitality.  The Major Arcana cards corresponding to six are the Lovers (VI) and the Devil (XV). Astrologically the number six is frequently associated with Venus.

Seven is a spiritual number.  Seven refers to respite, introspection, contemplation, evaluation, soul development, biding time, pondering choices, sorting out options, intellectual pursuits, study, meditation, analysis, research, objectivity, unique approaches, specialization, unusual solutions, thoughtfulness, understanding, planning, patient waiting, solitude, wisdom, occult studies, spiritual awareness, truth, intuition, philosophy and technical or scientific matters.  Like the fives, sevens tend to disrupt the harmony of the sixes and bring great variety, activity, expansion, experimentation, and imagination into the life.  The Major Arcana cards corresponding to seven are the Chariot (VII) and the Tower (XVI).  Astrologically the number seven is often associated with Neptune.

Like the fours, eight is a number of order, achievement, recognition, power, regeneration, money, progress, worldly success, advancement, organization, structured patterns, financial stability, opportunity, status, money, work, executive ability, sound judgement, capability, authority, material satisfaction, business acumen, setting priorities, and accomplishment in the material world.  In geometry eight points determine a solid cube.  The Major Arcana cards corresponding to eight are Strength (VIII) and the Star (XVII).  Astrologically the number eight is usually associated with Saturn.

As the final single digit number, nine represents the end of a cycle or phase of life and the preparation for entering a new phase of existence.  Nine signifies the final integration of the previous eight stages of the cycle.  Nine refers to completion, perfection, purification, giving, detachment, attainment, transition, conclusion, termination, ending, compassion, loss of an aspect of one's life to make way for a new cycle, clearing the decks, finishing matters, forgiveness, charity, teaching, counseling, selfless giving, brotherhood, humanitarian ideals, release and letting go.  In astrology the ninth harmonic relates to wisdom, ideals and spiritual knowledge.  The Major Arcana cards corresponding to nine are the Hermit (IX) and the Moon (XVIII).  Astrologically the number nine is frequently associated with Mars.

Ten is a transition point from one cycle to another.  Ten is a number of completion and final ending.  As one more than nine, ten often signifies "one too many". In numerology 10 reduces to 1+0=1, the start of a new cycle, the time for another spin of the wheel of fortune.  The Major Arcana card corresponding to then is the Wheel of Fortune.

Eleven is a master number symbolizing insight, spiritual understanding, inspiration, awareness, revelation, illumination, intuition, creativity, idealism, teaching, wisdom, compassion and enlightenment.  In numerology 11 reduces to 1+1=2, and master number 11 is a higher octave of 2.  The Major Arcana card corresponding to eleven is Justice (XI) ; however in some decks Strength is card eleven.  Astrologically the number eleven is often associated with Pluto.

Twenty-two is also a master number representing self-discipline and broad-based mystery with spiritual awareness.  There are twenty-two Major Arcana cards in the Tarot.  Twenty-two is the number of the master builder who achieves material success on a large scale to benefit humanity.  In numerology 22 reduces to 2+2=4, and master number 22 is a higher octave of 4.  The Major Arcana card corresponding to twenty-two is the Fool (0), the cycle ends where it starts.

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Blessed be,
Irish Psychics.

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