Friday, 18 March 2011

Japenese Tsunami

The world has been watching, waiting, and praying for Japan ever since a massive 8.9 earthquake hit Friday, triggering a deadly tsunami, which according to news reports from the Japanese media reported that there are at least 6,000 people either dead or missing.
Friday's 9.0-magnitude earthquake has also left millions with little food or shelter, as temperatures drop to near-freezing levels overnight. Hospitals are overwhelmed with the injured and running out of medicine and supplies and authorities were also running out of coffins to bury the dead.
It is a devastating time for those who are suffering with loved ones consoling each other throughout this devastated country.
At times like this, Death’s gift is hard to accept for it is cloaked in darkness, the journey for the victims and surviviors is lonely, frightening and in some cases without hope. We wish to take this time to ask that God & the Angels to watch over and help heal the country's victims, by comforting them with their love and guiding them back into the light during this, their journey of grief. 
Love, light & angel blessings

BECAUSE I could not stop for Death--
He kindly stopped for me--
The Carriage held but just Ourselves--
And Immortality.

We slowly drove--He knew no haste
And I had put away
My labour and my leisure too,
For His Civility--

We passed the School, where Children strove
At Recess--in the Ring--
We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain--
We passed the Setting Sun--

Or rather--He passed Us--
The Dews drew quivering and chill--
For only Gossamer, my Gown--
My Tippet--only Tulle--

We paused before a House that seemed
A Swelling of the Ground--
The Roof was scarcely visible--
The Cornice--in the Ground--

Since then--'tis Centuries--and yet
Feels shorter than the Day
I first surmised the Horses Heads
Were toward Eternity--

Emily Dickinson


Chinese medical pratitioners call it chi, Hindu mystics refer to it as shakti, medical intuitives call it an energy field and Occultists refer to it as an aura.  It's existence has been recorded since ancient times, notably in primitive art.  In the Sahara desert, for instance, in the rocky massifs of that harsh terrain, paintings that date back to the ninth millenium B.C. show human figures surrounded by an envelope of light.  In Catholic literature, these luminous orbs are decpicted as halos.
This energy field is the essense of who we are, a subtle variation underlying everything phsycial, both living and inanimate - some of us may see it more easily whereas others may feel it.   The energy field radiates outward from the body, forming a dome of light that can be several inches or several feet wide, depending on the individuals emotional, spiritual and physical state at any given time.  It's composed of at least seven energy disks or chakras that run down the center of the psychical body, from the crown of the head to the base of the spine.  Each of these chakras has a different color and function, which are important to medical intuitives. 


Tarot Card Spread for Triangular Relations

 As humans we have doubtless been involved in eternal triangles at some stage in our lives.  They can be the stuff of court cases involving divorces and/or husband & wife and his/her lover.  However, they don't always arise out of infidelity, they can operate in families, between parents and a child or parents and a mother-in-law or father-in-law, or between three siblings.  You might even encounter it at work, with tensions between bosses and employees for example.  There are so many situations this spread can be adapted to and we find it very useful when you want to unravel the dynamics of a triangular relationship.  This spread is designed to look at a situation where only three people are involved, before you lay out the cards for this spread it is essential that you decide which pile of cards will represent which person, otherwise, you could become confused or be tempted to switch the positions once you see the cards (especially if you are one of the people involved).

eternal_triangle_spreadPosition Meanings:
Person one:
1. Motives of person one
2. Needs of person one
3. Current attitude of person one
10. Outcome for person one

Person two:
4. Motives of person two
5. Needs of person two
6. Current attitude of person two
11. Outcome for person two.

Person three:
7. Motives of person three
8. Needs of person three
9. Current attitude of person three
12. Outcome for person three.

If you would like a Tarot Reading from one of our professional readers please click here, prices start from  as little as €10!

Blessings .....

Spell to Improve your Psychic Awareness

tarot_psychic_spellThis is a spell to help you develop intuition and open up channels of higher awareness, to awaken psychic abilities that will give you personal guidance and comfort you with the assurance of spiritual existence. The layout of the cards takes the shape of a crown (see the picture above) as a crown sits on top of the head, so it symbolizes expanded consciousness and awareness beyond your senses bringing forth hidden knowledge.
The Star represents inspiration and guidance from your guardian angel and cosmic forces.  It complements and gives power to The High priestess, which is a card of focusing the mind, developing intuition and listening to your inner voice.  The Hermit stands for the revelation and interpretation of knowledge, being used here to aid your understanding of the dreams, visions and intuitions that will come to you.
Necessary accessories for this spell are one candle (white, blue or purple) anointed with Frankincense oil, placed a few inches above the High priestess card, a dark blue alter cloth and as an option you can have a crystal or gem stone clear in color.
This spell is best performed either very early in the morning or late in the night when the world is quiet and you are unlikely to be disturbed, take a bath beforehand to cleanse all the days toxins from your body and to help clear your mind.
When you are ready, place the candle you have chosen on the alter cloth and light it.  For a duration of between thirty seconds to three minutes, focus on the flame, putting everything else out of your mind (if you have opted to have a crystal or gemstone you may hold it in your right hand while doing this meditation and throughout the spell process to give power to the crystal).  For a further 30 seconds to three minutes, close your eyes and hold the image of the flame in your mind.  Once you have finished concentrating on the flame, set The Star in place and for a few moments, visualize yourself walking alongside a lake under a star-filled sky and from time to time pausing to dip your feet into the water.  Feel the coolness and pleasantness of the water as it laps around your feet; feel that you are at one with the lake and the land and the stars that glow with ever-increasing intensity in the sky above you.  Then spread your arms outward (both in visualization and actuality) and say aloud:
“I call upon the wide-ranging powers!
I call upon all good and friendly spirits of guidance!
Aid me now in opening my psychic centers!
Help me learn to open myself to the knowledge and the guidance which I seek!”
 Next, set the High Priestess in place, as indicated on the picture above.  Imagine that you continue to walk along the lakeshore until you come to a temple.  The temple will take whatever shape your imagination wants to give it.  Visualize yourself going up to the door of the temple, you pull on the doors, but you find them locked.  You try again; this time just touching your hand to the door handle, surprisingly the door swings wide open.  You enter into the corridor of the temple, now pause and say aloud:
 “I unlock the doors,
I enter the temple,
I go within,
I am at one with the secret knowledge.
I see with other eyes,
I hear with other ears,
I feel with other senses”.
Now, set The Hermit in place.  Envision yourself going deeper into the temple.  You pass through several rooms; finally you pass through a door into a large but darkened room.  Two pillars are standing there – the ones pictured in High Priestess card.  Between those pillars stands an alter, and on that alter is your candle.  You walk up to the candle, hold your hands above it, feeling the warmth of the flame (both in visualization and actuality) and say aloud:
“All is made clear
Hidden knowledge is brought forth
In the light of understanding”.
At this point, visualize you are no longer in the temple, you have magically transported back home, and are sitting in your own chair with the cards and the candle before you.
Now as you sit quietly, make yourself very aware of you physical body, then do the following visualization exercise.  Start expanding your conscious mind outward in a spiral pattern.  Start with your body, and make you senses circle around, taking in all the sights and sounds.  Scan in an ever-widening spiral, taking in the room that you are sitting in, sweeping through your house, scanning your garden and the road outside, reaching even farther out to take in the houses and the buildings of your neighbors, ranging farther still, spiraling through your neighborhood, your town, your country, the world and outward into space.  Then reverse the process and bring your consciousness in closer and closer, retracing the spiral until you have pulled back into yourself, sitting in your chair.
At this point, carefully and with as much feeling as you can recite the following affirmation:
“I am open and receptive to higher levels of consciousness.
Spirits of guidance are here for me and I channel the knowledge they offer.
I am open and receptive.
My psychic centers are quickened.
I open my eyes and ears to all impressions and intuitions that are coming to me.
I spread the veil of being that I may look beyond.
I open the windows of where and when and I see beyond.”
 Now, sit back, relax and let go of all your thoughts.  Empty your mind, but open your awareness – you have started the process of psychic awareness in motion and you will find hunches and insights coming to you at unexpected moments.
 To complete the session, just extinguish the candle and put away your cards.

Karma Tarot Spread

Why do certain people come into our lives? Most of us have had relationships that feel very significant, whether for good or ill. Some people are convinced that they have known someone in a previous life because they seem so familiar or they share such strong emotional links.  We might be absolutely certain that we have met someone for a particular reason, usually because we love them and they bring us joy.  Yet we can learn a lot from our more difficult relationships too, especially if we are prepared to examine our motives with some degree of objectivity.

The following spread is called the Karma Spread because it enables you to explore a relationship in detail, both from your own perspective and from that of the other person.  You can use it for any sort of relationship, although you may find it most informative when examining one that is stressful because it will give you greater understanding of what is going on between those involved.

Karma_Tarot_SpreadKarma Spread:

1. What you can learn from the other person
2. What you can give the other person.
3. What separates you from the other person.
4. What unites you with the other person.
5. Your greatest gift to them.
6. What the other person can learn from you.
7. What the other person can give you.
8. What separates the other person from you.
9. What unites the other person with you.
10. Their greatest gift to you.
11. The Karmic Lesson you teach them.
12 The Karmic Lesson they teach you.

If you would like to order a reading from one of our professional readers click here - readings start from as little as €10!

Blessings ...

How To Give an Angel Card Reading

 angelchildAngels are always sending us loving messages to help guide us through our lives.  They want us to make choices that will bring us happiness and peace.  Our angels help us heal, give us positive intentions and help us manifest what we truly desire, they know our life's purpose and the give us the best steps that we should take.  Angel readings are incredibly accurate and healing, that send messages of love and understanding, they are never negative and always full of positive loving messages.


1. Hold the cards in your hands and ask and pray for whatever help you'd like during your readings, such as clarity, honesty, guidance, compassion etc.
2. Ask your angels to watch over your session, ensuring only thoughts and feelings of love surround you, you can do this by saying the following invocation "Guardian Angel, I ask that you stay by my side and watch over me during this oracle-card session, ensuring that only God's love and wisdom come through".
3. Think of the question you'd like the answer to - the angels hear your thoughts so you needn't voice your queries aloud.
4. Think of this question as you shuffle the cards and ask your angels to help you with answers and guidance.  Keep shuffling until you "feel" it's time to stop - this is your angels giving you your divine messages - you can't make a mistake and stop shuffling early, as the angels always ensure that you'll always choose the correct cards.
5. Have peace .... Your angels are with you!


Angel Message of the Day - 1 Card Reading
Angel 1
What do the angels want you to know today?  After you pull the card, you might wish to keep it near you to remind you of your angels guidance.  It may not make sense in the moment, but keep watch ... you will know what they want you to know before the day is done! 

Guardian Angel Card Reading - 3 Card Reading
Where have I been? Where am I now? Where am I going?
Angel 3
1. The Past - This card shows past experiences, the experiences that cast light on the current situation.
2. the Present - This card reveals what you are feeling and experiencing at the moment.
3. The Future - This card predicts the result of the course of action that you will take, based on the previous cards.

Archangel Card Reading - 5 Card Reading
What should I do? The Angels will guide you on your right course of action.
1. The Present or general theme of the reading.
2. Past influences still having an affect.
3. The future
4. The reason behind the question (this will probably shed light on card no. 2) and any blockages which are stopping you from achieving your desired result.
5. The potential within the situation and the possible results from taking a given course of guidance.

Spirit Family Spread - 7 Card Reading
Invoke the power and wisdom of all your heavenly hosts to guide you on your journey.
Angel 7
1. The challenge
2. Influences from the past.
3. What you need to do.
4. What you are working on.
5. What you need to know.
6. New opportunities on the way.
7. The best course of action/guidance.

If you would like to receive an angel reading from one of our readers and find out what loving messages and guidance your angels have for you please click here

Angel Blessings

FREE Spell for Lost Pets

We experience many kinds of love in our life and one of the strongest and most enduring involves the animals in our lives.  Pets that are happy and loved don't have any reason to leave home.  But animals sometimes get disorientated, especially after a move - here is a spell that will bring a lost pet home to you.

Photo of your pet or an effigy that symbolizes it
Pinch of vervain
Pinch of myrrh
Pinch of sage
4 white candles

Put the photo of your pet or its effigy in a prominent place. 
Place 4 white candles around it.
Sprinkle the herbs around the photo or effigy.
As you light the candles and the incense (if using), hold the mental image of your pet.  Visualize your pet coming home safely, in good health.  Feel the joy you'll experience when this happens, get your feelings behind it, then say the following:

(Name) comes home to me,
so mote it be.
(Name) comes home to me
healthy, protected, and safe,
no longer a little waif.
(Name) comes home to me,
through the power of three,
so mote it be.

Let the candles burn out on their own.  Keep your pet's photo or effigy displayed until your animal returns home.  Then bury it in the backyard, so that your pet will always remain close to home.


Blessed Be

Tips of Spellcasting

First and foremost, especially for beginners, find a quiet location where you will not be distracted or interrupted.  Take time to prepare yourself and your spell.  DO NOT HURRY. You will be working with one of the most powerful forces in the universe, treat it as such.

Remain focused and be specific.  Don't be shy about specifying that which you desire.  Always keep in mind that magick works best when you are clear regarding your needs or desires.  Focus your power.  Work on one thing at a time.  Casting a spell for multiple wishes never works.

Timing is very important.  Casting your spell at the proper time will enhance its power.  Days of the week and phases of the moon all have specific energies associated with them.  By choosing the right time for a spell, you can help to insure its effectiveness.

Choose your words carefully.  If it is a spell you have written yourself you have a little leeway, but if its an established spell, practice before you begin, there's a reason it is written that way.  Many practitioners, some claiming great experience, fail to heed this admonition and while they have some limited success it remains just that - limited.  The words are important.  The language in which the spell is written or cast does not matter - it is all in the intention conveyed by the words.

Remember the importance of symbols.  When casting a spell it is always best to surround yourself with appropriate objects that will serve to enhance the power of the spell.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, be careful.  Act responsibly.  We're sure you've heard the old saying, "be careful what you wish for, you might just get it!" Well, with spell casting you can multiply that saying many times over.  Be very careful what you ask for and how you ask for it - you may get much more than you bargained for!

Another FREE Love Spell

 For those of you that are a little in the "doldrums" then here is a free spell that will bring your lovemaking with your partner to a "shuddering" climax.  It is a wickedly good spell for wonderful lovemaking designed for heightened pleasure and sexual satisfaction.

You will need:

  • A small clear glass jar with a lid (an empty baby food jar works well)
  • A hair from your lover
  • One of your own hairs,
  • Two apple seeds
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Full pinch of baking soda
  • White fabric
  • Beeswax candle


Place the piece of white fabric on a table top.
Light the beeswax candle and place it on the table.
Turn the jar upside down and hold it open end down over the burning candle for a few seconds (just long enough to allow smoke from the candle to enter the jar.
Turn the jar right side up and place it on the table.
Fill the jar 1/2 full with the apple vinegar.
Into the vinegar place your hair, your lovers hair and the two apple seeds and swirl the jar to fully wet the hairs.

Holding the candle in the left hand, speak the following words:

In the mixture is the start
To build desire of the heart
Grow and boil in fires flame
Desire that no kiss can tame
Shudder, shake with waves of pleasure
Far too great to ever measure

Drop the full pinch of baking soda into the jar (don't touch the jar until the contents have settled).  Once they have fully settled, place the lid on the jar, extinguish the candle and hide the jar in the room where the lovemaking will take place. 


Merry meet!

Love & Relationship Tarot Spread

Our love & relationship Tarot spread is based on the traditional horseshoe spread but we've made some changes and designed it so that it specifically answers and  focuses on your love & relationship questions/situation.

horseshoe_tarot_card_spreadLaying out the cards:

Select 7 cards and turn each one up as you select it and place it in position (see the diagram to the left).

Card 1: The Past - What has contributed to current circumstances or relationship dynamics?
Card 2: The Present - How you feel and think about your personal life now.  This offers a subjective view of your partner or your single state.
Card 3: Hopes and Fears - This position reveals your hopes, fears, wishes and desires - and your unconscious expectations too.  If you are still in love with a former partner or are unknowingly sabotaging your new relationship - you will find out here.
Card 4: Conflicts - This covers emotional, sexual, spiritual or practical difficulties.  For example financial problems might be undermining self-esteem, a potential partner might have to relocate, differing sexual styles and needs could be creating underlying tensions and so on.
Card 5: Outside influences - What else is influencing your situation? This covers former partners, children, friends, in-laws and even workmates or neighbors.
Card 6: Action - What action should you take? This card suggests whether this is a good time to confront the issue or whether you would be better advised to wait until circumstances are more favorable.
Card 7: Outcome - The probable outcome if you follow the advice of Card 6.

This spread works best when you frame your questions clearly: for example "is X interested in a relationship with me?" If your question involves choices or different scenarios, then ask a separate question for each aspect of your situation:  for example a question such as "Should I go out with X or try again with Y?" needs breaking down into two questions.  Work out your question or questions carefully to get the best out of any reading.

To purchase your love and relationship reading click here.

Year Ahead and Zodiac Tarot Spread

Has the last year been good to you? For some of you the previous year may have been filled with challenges, obstacles and changes that have taken the zest out of life leaving some of you filled with apprehension as to what to expect in the coming New Year.  Well whether you've had a good year or a bad year you can get comfort in the fact that each New Year provides us the ability to start anew, set goals and with any luck have a better, happier and more prosperous year than the last.

One way of getting a glimpse into what the New Year has in store for us is through utilizing the Tarot. There are various spreads available specifically geared towards the New Year. One of the most common is called The Zodiac Spread which provides a couple different options to obtain a yearly based reading. The typical Zodiac Spread is similar to the Celtic Cross. This spread looks at different aspects and areas of your life.

tarot_spread1-300x242We lay the cards out in the form of a clock and divide your chart into the 12 "houses" of the astrological chart (see the image to the left).  To do this spread, pull 13 cards placing them in the circle starting with the one o'clock position, then two o'clock going through the sequence until 12 o'clock, with the final card being laid in the center of the clock representing the overall outcome or summary.

The cards in each position are as follows:

1. The unexpected, or what will dominate your near future
2. Your financial life
3. Your surroundings or travel
4. Your home or family
5. Your love life, creation or children
6. Your present work situation or health
7. Relationships, partnerships or authority
8. Money from others, credit or spiritual power
9. Traveling and study
10. The unexpected or your professional life
11. Your friends and projects
12. Your health or difficulties.
13. final outcome.

Another method of The Zodiac Spread is the month-by-month spread in which you pull 13 cards one representing each month of a the year and the final card indicates the overall general atmosphere you are likely to experience over the coming year according to the influences and elements present at the time of the reading.

Months that have a Major Arcana card land in that position will signify an important month. Any Aces that appear indicate a chance for new beginnings or a fresh start so pay particular attention to those cards and influences.

These are only a few examples but they are quite effective and informative in providing valuable insight into the New Year. And remember this is only an glimpse of possibilities as nothing is set in stone. Should you encounter a card that doesn't really provide clear insight, feel free to use clarification cards to assist the process.

To order your Zodiac Reading for the year ahead click here

Court Cards

To continue on from last weeks post and now that you can see how the numbers work through the "pip" cards of the Tarot, lets look now at their regal companions and the qualities the Kings, Queens, Knights & Pages share.

The Kings and Queens both represent maturity.  The Queens embody the more feminine aspects of appreciation of life - connection to family, enjoyment of the world and it's wonders - this does not make them passive however.  We only have to look at each one to see their strengths, they are more involved with the world around them and with relationships.  The Kings on the other hand, rule.  As the final card in the sequence they bear responsibility for society, therefore they make decisions and take action.

Knights are figures of action.  Young in character, they want to explore and test their skills.  They may be romantic or courageous.  At the same time, they bear a responsibility to help others, for that is what knights do.  This works well in the more aggressive suits of Swords and Wands, but can develop trouble in the introverted Cups or the stable Pentacles.

Pages are young, they have no responsibility except to learn, to become skilled through immersing themselves in the energy of the suit.  In readings, Pages can refer literally to children or students or a person who is entering a new stage in their life. 

People who do readings with Tarot cards often describe the court cards as the most difficult to interpret.  They do not show an action or a situation or even an idea, but simply a character.  Beyond the possibility of identifying actual people in our lives, how do we understand them?  Some people find the structure of the court cards sexist, and there is no doubt that the court cards flow from an old fashioned and traditional view of male and female roles, but when doing readings you should go beyond this limitation if you recognize that the cards do not limit themselves in their applications to real people.  In readings, a King may symbolize a woman if she shows the special traits of the card, and a man may act out the Queen of Wands, in the way he lives his life or in a particular situation.  These are not permanent designations that last a person's whole life! A court card in a Tarot reading says something about a person right now, not for all time!  If you think of them as characters in a play, the play doesn't last forever and the performers can change from one character to another while still remaining their essential selves.

Looking for a Tarot Reading click here

The Meaning of the Numbers on Tarot

ACES - signify singularity and purity, they represent the basic quality of the suit, it's "root".  They come t us as a gift from life, moments of special energy - the quality of that energy depending on each particular suit.
two_of_cupstwo of swordsTWO'S - indicate duality, connections, dialogue.  The various two's deal with issues of communication and relationship, where the Aces inspire, the two's act to develop and extend the original impulse.  When you go through the deck you will see that the character of a particular suit may work against the quality of the number.   Cups symbolize love, while Swords represent conflict and tension.  In the Rider Waite deck image, the Two of Cups fulfills the number in the image of two people pledging themselves to each other.  By contrast, the Two of Swords works against the number that it bears, with it's picture of a woman who deliberately keeps everyone away from her.  The central issue remains communication but in the Two of Swords we see it's direction changed. (see images depicted on the left)
THREE'S - By combining 1 & 2, the three's embody an early fulfillment of the suit.  The basic impulse int he Ace, which is developed in the Two, becomes established in the Three. The suit changes the "quality" of the number, for pentacles this can mean mastery at work, for Swords it can mean heartbreak, for Wands success and for Cups harmony.
FOUR'S - symbolize structure.  We use the energy to build something, or dwell within a safe place or hold onto what we have or resist structure when it becomes confinement.
FIVE'S - show loss and struggle.  Five introduces time, with all it's limitations, including sickness and death. Five brings us into physical reality and so opens us all to the problems life can bring us.
SIX'S - allow a fresh beginning after the five's.  They express issues of communication and the sharing of power and wealth.
SEVEN'S - here we find the them "victory", the person plays with possibilities and seeks victory over challenges through strength of will or through schemes and fantasies.
EIGHT'S - There is a theme of movement in the eight's, either toward consolidation or leaving what is already established.  Eight is another number that can conflict with the energy of the suit, such as in Swords where the suit represents trouble and conflict, so when the Swords come up against the idea of movement the result becomes obstacles, they way in which we can feel controlled by others and unable to move to free ourselves.
NINE'S - the last single digit number, it can represent a tension before the "end". Something is established but not without a price, the various cards show different compromises we make with life in order to create a place for ourselves in the world.
TEN'S - they complete the suits.  We see the most complete expression qualities as they establish us in the real world.  However, not all the suits translate completion into happiness.  For Wands with their impulse to take on responsibilities and burdens, with the ten this becomes oppressive.  Swords show us the extreme of conflict.  Pentacles, the suit of money and physical reality, we get a sense of security and wealth, but somehow this is empty of emotion. Only in Cups do we find true joy apparent.


We want all of  you to share in the love this month!
This weeks blog post is offering you a simple love spell that you can do yourself. Although you can use professionals to do it for you, we encourage you to cast this simple spell yourself. 

How Spells Work
We have found through experience that casting spells really works, but only, if it is for your higher good and the good of all those involved. It is our belief that they work with the Universal Laws of energy to bring you what you desire. The problem is that sometimes what we desire is not always what is best for our true happiness and Spiritual growth. The saying 'be careful what you ask for, because you will get it' is a very important concept to consider when casting. Read more

Facts About Spells
Casting a spell is a skill like any other. Few people can manifest their desires on their first try and you should never expect them to always be successful and immediate. This is a skill that takes time and practice. If you find you have had no success, maybe you have yet to see the results so be patient and allow your desires to manifest themselves. Sometimes waiting for results may not be so easy for you so the best advice we can give is just to be patient as often the spell will work to bring you an opportunity that you were completely unaware of needing or wanting. Spells will not work if it's just not meant to be, we believe in having faith, spell work will work on some level, whether it’s to give you a better understanding of how you can grow and learn from your current situation.
Spells can also cause unexpected things to happen. This sometimes occurs if you are unclear in the use of our words or pronunciations. So ask yourself were you distracted when you were casting? Have you practiced enough? Keep trying and educate yourself, read about how to do it and don't get discouraged. 

To get you started we’re including this easy Love Spell for first time spell casters - here it goes!
Essential Ingredients
Sheet of gold paper
Nine of hearts (from a normal pack of playing cards)
Black pen
Box of matches
Enamel bowl

Magic Formula
·         Cast a pentacle circle of protection (the purpose of this circle is to enable you safely to achieve your mental projections with no interferences from negative, unbalancing, inappropriate energies and forces – not all spirits have your best interests at heart!)
-          To create your circle, you need to imagine that the divine powers which you have chosen for your spell have sent you a ray of silver light.  The light is so bright and electrifying that you reach out with both hands and grasp it.  The energy of the light will travel down from your fingertips to the palm of your hand and thence to the rest of your body.
-          Next envisage a bright silver circle forming around you – this circle should include your alter.  Then through your mind’s eye create an imaginary pentacle at each of the four geographical directions around your alter.
-          Now that you’ve created the safety net around your sacred area, you must invite healing energies to purify your circle.  This can be achieved by imagining a second beam of light which is bright blue.  This will fill up the inside of your circle, so that it has the affect of enveloping you. This will cleanse your circle while at the same time send healing energies into your mind and body helping you feel relaxed and secure.
·         Write your wish on the gold paper and wrap it around the nine of hearts
·         Burn both items, leaving the ashes in the enamel bowl until your wish is fulfilled.

If you are still unsuccessful with the free love spells or other spells you have found or are insecure in your spell casting, you should consider calling in a professional witch or spell caster.  Professional Spell Casters (such as us) will be able to channel more energy and direct this energy to the desired outcome. Sometimes free spells don’t work because the person who is doing them doesn’t quite believe in them or they aren’t sure of what they are doing. By turning to a professional, you can be certain you will get the results you want. Sometimes, it’s just better to leave these spell workings to professionals. With professional witches and spell casters, you can get the things you want and the things you deserve in your life. Our skills and our experience will tap into the power of the universe and the magick of the world to ensure you find the happiness and contentment you want.  For more information on the spells we offer click here

Do's & Don'ts of Spellcasting

If you want to try casting a spell yourself here are some Do’s and Don’ts that we recommend!
v  DO always ask for the spell to happen in an appropriate way and that it shall not cause harm to you or anyone else.
v  DO cast all spells within a pentacle circle of protection and while you are in the alpha state.
v  DO ask for your magic to work for the good of all.
v  DO take your time with each spell, carefully thinking it through and considering the consequences of your projections.
v  DO make sure you have taken all practical protective measures before casting a spell of protection.  For example, if you are in trouble, you should first contact the appropriate authorities (doctor, police etc) before casting a spell to reinforce protection.
v  DON’T ever use magic to cause harm or as a weapon to threaten people.  Your action and thoughts will come back to you threefold.
v  DON’T be flippant when you are casting spells.  Think carefully about what you are saying and what you project.  Use your intuition as well as your intellect.
v  DON’T cast spells with children or pets in the same room.
v  DON’T cast spells during an eclipse because the moon will affect the outcome unfavourably.
v  DON’T overdo magic.  If you cast too many spells in a month you will burn out the magic energy.
v  DON’T doubt magical powers once a spell has been cast by you or for you as it will weaken the spell.
v  DON’T discuss your spells once they are released.
If you’ve been unsuccessful with the free love spells or other spells you have found, you should consider calling in a professional witch or spell caster.  Professional Spell Casters (such as me) will be able to channel more energy and direct this energy to the desired outcome. Sometimes free spells don’t work because the person who is doing them doesn’t quite believe in them or they aren’t sure of what they are doing. By turning to a professional, you can be certain you will get the results you want. Sometimes, it’s just better to leave these spell workings to professionals.
With professional witches and spell casters, you can get the things you want and the things you deserve in your life. Our skills and our experience will tap into the power of the universe and the magick of the world to ensure you find the happiness and contentment you want.  For more information on the spells we offer click here

The Journey of The Fool through the Major Arcana


The Major Arcana is the progression of the trumps where the Fool begins a life journey. The Magician is 1 because his qualities form the starting point of the growth pattern figured in the other cards. Each trump builds upon the previous one and leads the way to the next. Setting the Fool apart into a separate category all by itself allows him to be everywhere and anywhere within the trumps and also leaves you with 21 cards which are divided into three groups of seven cards.
The division into three allows you to see the Major Arcana as dealing with three distinct areas of experience. These are called consciousness – the practical plane – the outer concerns of life in society; subconscious – the mental plane – the search inward for who we really are and superconscious – the spiritual plane – the developmental awareness and the release of archetypical energy.
The first line, with its concentration on such matters as love, social authority and education, describes the main concerns of society.  A person can live and die and be judged a success by everyone around them without ever going beyond the level of the Chariot – and many people do not reach that level at all.
Psychology concerns itself with the second line, with their symbols of hermit-like withdrawal into the self-awareness followed by a symbolic Death and rebirth.  Temperance at the end represents that part of ourselves which we discover to be essentially real after the illusions of ego, defensiveness and rigid habits of the past are allowed to die away.
And finally the last line. These seven cards depict a confrontation and finally a unity with the great forces of life itself. The other cards, formerly seen so important to you become merely the preparation for the great descent into darkness, the liberation of light and the return of that light to the sunlit world of consciousness. 
As a reader when dealing with the last line of the Major Arcana you deal with an area uncomfortable to most people as the subject matter is religious and mystical.  If you look into this last line of cards (and I mean beyond their divinatory meanings in readings) it can make the task of understanding these cards much much harder, but once understood the more rewarding working with these cards are, as they can bring you a knowledge that has been neglected in our education.
The more you study the Tarot and the more readings you give, the more information they give you and the more enlightened you become both as a person and as a reader.  As a reader I believe you never stop learning with the Tarot.  The Tarot offers you guidance and truth to any situation and when a reading is given by an experienced reader a person gain's the direction and insight which allow them to make informed decisions so as to give them the best outcome. 
If you would like a reading from one of our experienced readers please click here you won't be dissappointed!
Blessings to you all

Magic and the Phasis of the Moon

The moon is a powerful symbol of the Triple Goddess, who represents the spiritual growth of wisdom and the evolution of a woman from innocent maiden to loving mother and thence to wise one.  These stages are also a reflection of the four lunar phases – the dark of the moon, the waxing moon, the full moon and the waning moon.
Purely in it’s own right the power of the moon and the timing of it’s phases can either enhance or disrupt our bodily rhythms and our lives.  The moon affects us, police and doctors often comment on an increase in suicides and disagreements around the full moon, where it seems to bring out our “animal” nature.  Similarly if you have days when you feel quite fragile and over-sensitive, your heart dictating to you and holding sway over reason and logical thinking – this is the influence of the moon working on your mind and body.
Consulting the moon and an astrological chart is a vital part of spell-casting. Some days are more beneficial for casting certain spells than other times. 

New Moon
The dark of the moon, when the moon is invisible or the new moon itself, is the most effective time for casting spells concerning new beginnings and the launch of new projects.  It is generally a time for taking new paths and making fresh plans established on the basis of past experiences.  The influence of the new moon can also boost ambitions and careers, so it is a productive time for sowing seeds of success.
During the new moon, money & career spells and are fulfilled quicker than at other times.
Waxing Moon
The waxing moon is the period between the new moon and the full moon.  This is a special time for accumulating strength and for expansion and growth.  The waxing moon aids the accomplishments of any undertakings, whether of a practical or spiritual nature. 
This is a good time to cast empowerment spells.
Full Moon
The full moon is the most fortuitous time, especially when it is approaching the witching hour of midnight where our inner strengths and magical powers are at their peak.  Casting love spells during the full moon assures enchanting outcomes.
Waning Moon
This is the period when the moon journeys from full to new moon.  Casting spells for removing problems, eliminating trouble and neutralizing adversaries are most affective when the moon is wane.  Protection spells for yourself, your loved ones, your home and material possessions are best cast during this time also.
The waning moon is also a time when our bodies are must more susceptible to cleansing so it is the best time to cast purification/stop addiction spells.
On a final note, a spell should never be cast during an eclipse of the moon as this will influence the outcome of the spell by producing an undesirable result.
For a full range of our spells please click here