Different people use different methods to bring the card into their meditations. Some start with the eyes closed and do not look at the card until they have reached a certain state; others do the opposite. They begin by staring at the card until they reach a cerain unity with it, then close their eyes and let the images continue from there. Others hold the card at arm's length then draw it slowly towards them "bringing it into the aura".
However you begin I recommend working with the images and the feelings arising from the card instead of the symbolism you have learned to associate with it. Let the picture affect you, allow your reactions to it to surface and then slide away from you before they block any further experience.
Other times I will ignore the actual picture and set some scene associated with it. For instance, for the Fool (see picture to the far left) I sometimes use a simpler image of standing on a mountain top at the cliff edge, drenched in clear sunlight, feeling the "heat" on my face and hear the dog yelping at my feet. Movement or posture can help evoke some cards, as with fool I sometimes sit with my arms wide so I can "feel" the experience, as with The Magician (see card to the near left) I sometimes stand or sit with one arm raised "towards heaven" and the other "pointing at the earth".
Sometimes the meditation will go no further than an awareness of the card or a discover of new ideas about it and about yourself. More likely yuo wil experience the card as a fantasy unrolling before you, with an awareness a the same time of yourself sitting on the floor or lying on the bed.
If you do not have a particular image you wish to work with you can do a reading or simply go through the deck until a card grips you and pulls you into it. Then place it infront of you and begin your normal meditation. Become aware of the picture, putting aside any ideas you might have about it. Keep your eyes closed or opened, depending on what works for you; most poeple find that at leasat when the fantasy starts they prefer their eyes closed. Try to see and feel yourself in that place with those people and animals.
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