Friday, 18 March 2011

Magic and the Phasis of the Moon

The moon is a powerful symbol of the Triple Goddess, who represents the spiritual growth of wisdom and the evolution of a woman from innocent maiden to loving mother and thence to wise one.  These stages are also a reflection of the four lunar phases – the dark of the moon, the waxing moon, the full moon and the waning moon.
Purely in it’s own right the power of the moon and the timing of it’s phases can either enhance or disrupt our bodily rhythms and our lives.  The moon affects us, police and doctors often comment on an increase in suicides and disagreements around the full moon, where it seems to bring out our “animal” nature.  Similarly if you have days when you feel quite fragile and over-sensitive, your heart dictating to you and holding sway over reason and logical thinking – this is the influence of the moon working on your mind and body.
Consulting the moon and an astrological chart is a vital part of spell-casting. Some days are more beneficial for casting certain spells than other times. 

New Moon
The dark of the moon, when the moon is invisible or the new moon itself, is the most effective time for casting spells concerning new beginnings and the launch of new projects.  It is generally a time for taking new paths and making fresh plans established on the basis of past experiences.  The influence of the new moon can also boost ambitions and careers, so it is a productive time for sowing seeds of success.
During the new moon, money & career spells and are fulfilled quicker than at other times.
Waxing Moon
The waxing moon is the period between the new moon and the full moon.  This is a special time for accumulating strength and for expansion and growth.  The waxing moon aids the accomplishments of any undertakings, whether of a practical or spiritual nature. 
This is a good time to cast empowerment spells.
Full Moon
The full moon is the most fortuitous time, especially when it is approaching the witching hour of midnight where our inner strengths and magical powers are at their peak.  Casting love spells during the full moon assures enchanting outcomes.
Waning Moon
This is the period when the moon journeys from full to new moon.  Casting spells for removing problems, eliminating trouble and neutralizing adversaries are most affective when the moon is wane.  Protection spells for yourself, your loved ones, your home and material possessions are best cast during this time also.
The waning moon is also a time when our bodies are must more susceptible to cleansing so it is the best time to cast purification/stop addiction spells.
On a final note, a spell should never be cast during an eclipse of the moon as this will influence the outcome of the spell by producing an undesirable result.
For a full range of our spells please click here

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