Select 7 cards and turn each one up as you select it and place it in position (see the diagram to the left).
Card 1: The Past - What has contributed to current circumstances or relationship dynamics?
Card 2: The Present - How you feel and think about your personal life now. This offers a subjective view of your partner or your single state.
Card 3: Hopes and Fears - This position reveals your hopes, fears, wishes and desires - and your unconscious expectations too. If you are still in love with a former partner or are unknowingly sabotaging your new relationship - you will find out here.
Card 4: Conflicts - This covers emotional, sexual, spiritual or practical difficulties. For example financial problems might be undermining self-esteem, a potential partner might have to relocate, differing sexual styles and needs could be creating underlying tensions and so on.
Card 5: Outside influences - What else is influencing your situation? This covers former partners, children, friends, in-laws and even workmates or neighbors.
Card 6: Action - What action should you take? This card suggests whether this is a good time to confront the issue or whether you would be better advised to wait until circumstances are more favorable.
Card 7: Outcome - The probable outcome if you follow the advice of Card 6.
This spread works best when you frame your questions clearly: for example "is X interested in a relationship with me?" If your question involves choices or different scenarios, then ask a separate question for each aspect of your situation: for example a question such as "Should I go out with X or try again with Y?" needs breaking down into two questions. Work out your question or questions carefully to get the best out of any reading.
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