The Major Arcana is the progression of the trumps where the Fool begins a life journey. The Magician is 1 because his qualities form the starting point of the growth pattern figured in the other cards. Each trump builds upon the previous one and leads the way to the next. Setting the Fool apart into a separate category all by itself allows him to be everywhere and anywhere within the trumps and also leaves you with 21 cards which are divided into three groups of seven cards.
The division into three allows you to see the Major Arcana as dealing with three distinct areas of experience. These are called consciousness – the practical plane – the outer concerns of life in society; subconscious – the mental plane – the search inward for who we really are and superconscious – the spiritual plane – the developmental awareness and the release of archetypical energy.
The first line, with its concentration on such matters as love, social authority and education, describes the main concerns of society. A person can live and die and be judged a success by everyone around them without ever going beyond the level of the Chariot – and many people do not reach that level at all.
Psychology concerns itself with the second line, with their symbols of hermit-like withdrawal into the self-awareness followed by a symbolic Death and rebirth. Temperance at the end represents that part of ourselves which we discover to be essentially real after the illusions of ego, defensiveness and rigid habits of the past are allowed to die away.
And finally the last line. These seven cards depict a confrontation and finally a unity with the great forces of life itself. The other cards, formerly seen so important to you become merely the preparation for the great descent into darkness, the liberation of light and the return of that light to the sunlit world of consciousness.
As a reader when dealing with the last line of the Major Arcana you deal with an area uncomfortable to most people as the subject matter is religious and mystical. If you look into this last line of cards (and I mean beyond their divinatory meanings in readings) it can make the task of understanding these cards much much harder, but once understood the more rewarding working with these cards are, as they can bring you a knowledge that has been neglected in our education.
The more you study the Tarot and the more readings you give, the more information they give you and the more enlightened you become both as a person and as a reader. As a reader I believe you never stop learning with the Tarot. The Tarot offers you guidance and truth to any situation and when a reading is given by an experienced reader a person gain's the direction and insight which allow them to make informed decisions so as to give them the best outcome.
If you would like a reading from one of our experienced readers please click here you won't be dissappointed!Blessings to you all
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