1. Hold the cards in your hands and ask and pray for whatever help you'd like during your readings, such as clarity, honesty, guidance, compassion etc.
2. Ask your angels to watch over your session, ensuring only thoughts and feelings of love surround you, you can do this by saying the following invocation "Guardian Angel, I ask that you stay by my side and watch over me during this oracle-card session, ensuring that only God's love and wisdom come through".
3. Think of the question you'd like the answer to - the angels hear your thoughts so you needn't voice your queries aloud.
4. Think of this question as you shuffle the cards and ask your angels to help you with answers and guidance. Keep shuffling until you "feel" it's time to stop - this is your angels giving you your divine messages - you can't make a mistake and stop shuffling early, as the angels always ensure that you'll always choose the correct cards.
5. Have peace .... Your angels are with you!
Angel Message of the Day - 1 Card Reading

What do the angels want you to know today? After you pull the card, you might wish to keep it near you to remind you of your angels guidance. It may not make sense in the moment, but keep watch ... you will know what they want you to know before the day is done!
Guardian Angel Card Reading - 3 Card Reading

1. The Past - This card shows past experiences, the experiences that cast light on the current situation.
2. the Present - This card reveals what you are feeling and experiencing at the moment.
3. The Future - This card predicts the result of the course of action that you will take, based on the previous cards.
Archangel Card Reading - 5 Card Reading
What should I do? The Angels will guide you on your right course of action.

1. The Present or general theme of the reading.
2. Past influences still having an affect.
3. The future
4. The reason behind the question (this will probably shed light on card no. 2) and any blockages which are stopping you from achieving your desired result.
5. The potential within the situation and the possible results from taking a given course of guidance.
Spirit Family Spread - 7 Card Reading
Invoke the power and wisdom of all your heavenly hosts to guide you on your journey.

1. The challenge
2. Influences from the past.
3. What you need to do.
4. What you are working on.
5. What you need to know.
6. New opportunities on the way.
7. The best course of action/guidance.
If you would like to receive an angel reading from one of our readers and find out what loving messages and guidance your angels have for you please click here
Angel Blessings
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